Character Sheet:

Thrain Hearthkeeper
Character Portrait


Born into the Hearthkeeper clan, famed for their masterful smithing, Thrain was expected to follow the family tradition of forging weapons and armor. However, a catastrophic cave-in during his youth changed the course of his life. Trapped alongside his injured kin, young Thrain discovered an innate talent for mending wounds and calming fears, using herbs and prayers whispered into the darkness. When a cleric of his god found them and completed the rescue, Thrain pledged to dedicate his life to the study of healing and preservation.

When he completed his training, he volunteered to join the army of the Emperor, as this would be the place where he could do the most good. He is known for offering his services to anyone in need, including enemy prisoners. While Thrain sees healing as his primary duty, his martial training ensures he can protect those he serves in battle when necessary.

Known for: amid a brutal battle with a demon worshipping tribe, Thrain Hearthkeeper charged into an ambush, his glowing warhammer a beacon of hope. Shielding a fallen soldier from a deathblow, he unleashed healing energy that revived the wounded and rallied his allies, turning the tide of battle. Bloodied but steadfast, he tended to the survivors, ensuring no life was lost under his care.

Personality Traits

Thrain is an unshakable optimist with a deep well of patience. He views every life as a flame in the forge, capable of great strength when tempered with care. His demeanor is warm and fatherly, often finding moments of levity to ease tension even in dire situations. Though he is slow to anger, his wrath is righteous and immovable when faced with cruelty or neglect.


Thrain Hearthkeeper is a stout dwarf with a broad, muscular build that radiates resilience. His copper-toned skin is weathered with the marks of a healer’s trade - burn scars on his hands and faint nicks from his tools. His auburn beard and hair are adorned with silver beads shaped like tiny anvils, symbolizing both his clan’s smithing heritage and his devotion to the god of life and creation. His piercing green eyes exude a calm warmth, but they narrow with focus during moments of crisis. Thrain wears a quality set of armor, presented to him by his family, decorated with gold accents and symbols of his deity, an open hand cradling a glowing hearth flame. His trusty mace, imbued with healing runes, hangs from his belt, more a tool of protection than aggression.


- Sanctity of Life: "Every life is sacred, and it is my duty to preserve it, no matter the cost".

- Resilience: "Just as steel becomes stronger in fire, so do we grow through our trials".

- Community: "A strong hearth requires many hands. Alone, a flame flickers; together, it burns bright".


- The Hearthkeeper Clan: Thrain's family remains his inspiration and source of strength. He seeks to honor their name with his deeds.

- The Forgotten: He feels a deep connection to the lost, the abandoned, and the broken, as they remind him of his own struggles in the cave-in.


- Self-Sacrificing: Thrain often places himself in danger to save others, sometimes recklessly so.

- Stubborn: His nature makes him resistant to changing his mind, even when the evidence suggests a different path.

- Overly Trusting: Believing in the inherent goodness of others, Thrain can sometimes be blind to manipulation or deceit.

Ability Scores

STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 10 (0)
CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 17 (+3)
CHA: 13 (+1)
Max HP: 43
AC: 15
Initiative: 0
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency: +3

