Character Sheet:

Drakkar Flameborn
Character Portrait


Drakkar’s life began in ruin. As a child, he was the sole survivor of a vicious raid that annihilated his clan. Left for dead, he was discovered by an Imperial patrol and saved by Captain Arnvald, who saw the potential for strength and purpose in the battered dragonborn child. Raised within the ranks of the Empire, Drakkar came to see its ideals of law, order, and unity as a source of salvation - not just for himself, but for the entire world. The Empire became his family, its laws his creed, and its people his sacred charge.

Though the pain of his lost clan never faded, Drakkar channeled his grief into a zealous loyalty to the Empire. To him, the raiders who had destroyed his family represented the chaos and cruelty that the Empire existed to extinguish. Over time, this devotion evolved into a sacred mission, and Drakkar swore an oath to a divine power that he believed embodied the Empire’s ideals. As a Paladin of Vengeance, Drakkar is a relentless enforcer of Imperial justice, rooting out corruption and destroying those who threaten the order the Empire upholds.

Drakkar’s loyalty to the Empire is so absolute that it blinds him to its flaws. He views dissent as treason and struggles to reconcile the complexities of morality with the rigid ideals he holds dear. For Drakkar, the Empire is not just a government; it is the manifestation of good itself.

Known for: at the battle of Nargath Pass, the Imperial forces were on the verge of collapse under the onslaught of a rebel army. Drakkar, undeterred by overwhelming odds, led a charge into the heart of the enemy ranks, his glowing greatsword a beacon of Imperial justice. With divine power coursing through him, he shattered the rebel formation, cutting down their leaders and scattering their forces. Though some questioned the harshness of his actions, Drakkar’s victory ensured the safety of countless Imperial citizens. The soldiers who fought beside him now call him "The Crimson Standard," a living symbol of the Empire’s strength and justice.

Personality Traits

Drakkar is the embodiment of discipline and purpose, driven by an unshakable belief that the Empire represents the ultimate force for good in the world. He is steadfast, unyielding, and utterly devoted to his cause. While he carries himself with the authority of a soldier and the intensity of a zealot, his heart is guided by a sincere desire to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

However, his zeal often leads him to act without considering alternative viewpoints, dismissing dissent as weakness or treachery. This inflexible nature can alienate allies and blind him to the shades of gray in the world around him.


Drakkar Flameborn towers at 6'8", a living symbol of strength and power. His crimson scales shimmer like molten steel, their metallic luster reflecting the unyielding force of his convictions. His horns sweep back like the peaks of a fortress, and his fiery amber eyes burn with a light that inspires both awe and fear. A diagonal scar across his snout serves as a testament to battles fought in the name of justice. His blackened steel armor, emblazoned with the Imperial crest, is meticulously maintained, radiating both discipline and devotion. Every aspect of his appearance speaks to his unwavering belief in the Empire as a beacon of order and righteousness.


- Order: “The Empire is the shield that protects the weak and the sword that punishes the wicked”.

- Justice: “Laws are not just rules—they are the foundation of civilization and must be upheld at any cost”.

- Loyalty: “To serve the Empire is to serve the greater good”.


- The Imperial crest on his shoulder guard is more than a symbol—it is a holy emblem of his faith in the Empire and a reminder of the soldiers who saved and raised him.

- His devotion to the Empire drives him to protect its citizens as if they were his own clan.


- His unwavering belief in the Empire’s righteousness makes him dismissive of dissent and skeptical of those who challenge its authority.

- Drakkar’s zealous loyalty can blind him to corruption or wrongdoing within the Empire, as he struggles to accept that it might be fallible.

Ability Scores

STR: 18 (+4)
DEX: 8 (-1)
CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 15 (+2)
Max HP: 49
AC: 18
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency: +3

