Setting Primer

Whispering Voices of Oxton

Welcome to the Anderton Coast! The following information would be common knowledge to most characters in the Whispering Voices of Oxton adventure.

Table of Contents


Map of the Anderton Coast

(click to expand)

Anderton Coast is a picturesque region in the North-East portion of the Strufax continent. It covers an area of approximately 150,000 square miles, a little larger than modern Italy. People living here enjoy a mostly temperate climate, with some of parts in the South shifting to a subtropical climate.

To the North, the region is protected by the Silverblade mountains: a tall range of countless spire-like peaks that reach up to 3,100 miles above the sea level. Many of the peaks are covered by permanent glaciers that feed the Coast’s many rivers.

The Silverblades provide a nearly impassable barrier to the Coast, which has allowed it to thrive in relative isolation from the rest of the continent. Fertile lands in the river deltas provide abundant food resources, while access to the Gulf of Limus enables robust sea trade. The bustling economy of the Coast has allowed for a fairly relaxed political system to be established. People here are free to form “independent communities”, usually villages or towns, that are governed by elected councils.

The councils have a lot of liberty in establishing their own laws. However, the communities are not allowed to assemble their own military or law enforcement organizations. These functions are provided by the Coalition of the three Great Cities: Roberveil, Maroua, and Kuberfusukii. For a reasonable tax paid to the Coalition, a common Guard force is provided to maintain peace in the communities, and a common Armed force to protect its borders.

North of the Silverblade mountains, the region neighbors two large states: the Kingdom of Nathau, and the Feyn. Nathau, located to the West, is a trade partner and an ally to the Coalition, and the two regions share a fair amount of culture and outlook. The Feyn, a closed-off militaristic power that occupies a large territory to the East, maintains a mostly neutral relationship with the Coalition.

Nathau-Feyn Conflict

Feyn and Nathau have been engaged in a bitter conflict for many decades. Due to contested claims over certain territories, the two powers go through regular periods of intense military conflicts, interspaced by periods of fragile truce. The most recent period of such tentative peace lasted for the past 5 years, but ended abruptly when the Feyn attacked a Nathau city of Donoghan.

Most denizens of the isolated Anderton Coast are not affected by this new escalation in the Feyn-Nathau war, and many have likely not even heard of it. However, people living in the Oxton area are more privy to the conflict, as Donoghan happens to be located right across a mountain pass to the North of the town.

Religion and Pantheon

The Quiet Gods

Gods in this setting are not overtly engaged in the lives of people. In fact, there is no concrete evidence that they exist, and faith is an important aspect of religion. Divine casters usually get their magic from divine artifacts (i.e., a spellcasting focus).

The pantheon in this region of the world is very focused, i.e., most people tend to worship a relatively small number of “mainstream gods”. Most state-approved worship is directed towards the two Supreme Gods (also known as the Stern Parents): the Allfather and Syra. The other approved gods, referred to as the Primary Domain gods, are usually worshiped when seeking a blessing in a domain specific circumstance (i.e., praying before a hunt). Worshiping gods other than Supreme or Primary Domain deities is widely considered to be cultish behavior.

The Supreme Deities

The Allfather (Lawful Good)

Also known as Zvarog. By far the most commonly worshiped god in North Strufax (Anderton Coast, Nathau, Feyn). He is the god of justice and societal order. He administers the punishment of the unlawful and the smiting of evil. He is depicted as a smith who forges golden chains that hold the society and civilization together. His symbol is a hammer. He is the embodiment of qualities like strength, truth, honor, stoicism, and conservatism.

Syra (True Neutral)

Goddess of earth, water, and fertility. She is the guardian of destiny and the keeper of the circle of life. Her main charge is to ensure the long-term survival of society. To enact destiny, she administers death (usually by non-violent means, i.e. disease) and aging. She oversees the process of birth, and decides upon stillbirths and congenital conditions. She also presides over death, burial, and transition of the soul to the afterlife. Her symbol is a black (sometimes brown) circle. She is the embodiment of cold intellect and calculated decisions. Despite being the goddess of earth, she is not directly responsible for flora and fauna.

Primary Domain Gods

Abelaga (Chaotic Good)

Goddess of plant life. She is the embodiment of relentlessness, will for life, and survival.

Djiva (Neutral Good)

Goddess of wild animals and the balance of life. She is the protector of both prey and predator. Hunters often seek her blessing.