Game Preparation Guide
Table of Contents

General Guide
How do I access Foundry VTT?
- Please bookmark:
- The password will be provided to you when you are ready to import your character.
- Some players may experience issues accessing Foundry (usually due to ad-blockers or old browser versions). Please try to log-in to Foundry prior to the first session to avoid delays.
- The Foundry VTT server may be offline between games.
How do I use Foundry VTT?
Please watch this great tutorial.

DND 5e Guide
- All games will now use the 2024 ruleset.
- Please let me know how you intend to create your character:
- You can build a character in DND Beyond, and I will import it into Foundry. Please make sure that Character Privacy is set to Public, and please provide me with the link at least 24 hours before the first game.
- You can create the character directly in Foundry, which would be very similar to doing it on a paper character sheet.
- Please provide me with an image to be used as your character portrait as early as possible.
Table Rules
- If a PvP action occurs, the receiving Player decides how the action is resolved: the action does not happen, the action succeeds or fails, or the result is decided by dice.
- All members of the Party should always be working towards a common goal. Party betrayal plots, evil characters, or characters willingly working against the interests of the party must be okayed with the rest of the group.
- You can postpone your entire turn to a specific order in the initiative that you must specify in advance. Alternatively, you can prepare one action that can be activated at any point of a turn.
- Critical hits double the number of rolled dice. There are no critical fumbles.
- To avoid repetitive trap checks, once you have encountered a trap, you will not encounter another one for at least 1 hour of play time.
PC creation guidelines
These are general guidelines, some of these rules may be overridden for specific games.
- Any official 5e WOTC source material is allowed. Please check with me before adding any Homebrew or Unearthed Arcana content.
- The Point Buy or Standard Array methods are preferred for generating ability scores. If you want to roll for stats, please do so in Foundry using the “4d6 drop 1 lowest” method.
- When creating a new character at a starting level above 1, please use the average HP die value to calculate the total hit points. When leveling a character during play, the general rule is to roll for HP.
- The encumbrance rules are usually not followed (because I’m lazy), unless really unreasonable things start to happen.
- I strongly suggest that you spend some time thinking about the character’s background story. At the very least, you are expected to provide your character’s Ideals, Bonds and Flaws.